It has been a while
since i wrote of sunshine
of blue indigos, haciendas
games, laughter, no agendas
Now I am a rabid sheepdog
herding cattle through the smog
climbing up the endless hill
chewing on some promised frills
scurrying up home tail between legs
Safe and still before the sunshine ebbs
I am now caught in a toxic swirl
hurtling down in a headlong hurl
frozen at the same spot, still falling
wondering about the lightness of just being
I smell fragrances of elusive freedom
sunshine, laughter, the little things - I miss 'em
Still falling, i land on the ground, start running
Standing still at the same spot, not winning
while the world around me keeps shifting
new colors, new shades, new shadows drift in
In the stillness, i wonder if my soul has gotten new wings
an imperceptible shift, the language of humanity brings
I wonder if it was all actually quite simple
Was it really just - breathe, gaze, sing and whistle
Find harmony and music in what is around
To be one, be one - with the burning air in ghost town
Touch down, sit down, slow down, shut down
In the sands at the sea - stretch your arms, submit and lie down.